error n. 1.错误;失错。 2.谬见,误想;误信;误解。 3.罪过。 4.【数学】误差;【法律】误审,违法;(棒球中的)错打。 commit [make] an error 犯[出]错。 correct errors 改正错误。 a clerk's [clerical] error 笔误。 mean errors 标准误差。 a writ of error 【法律】(推翻错误原判的)再审命令。 nature's error 天生畸形。 in error 弄错了的;错误地。 errors of commission [omission] 违犯[疏忽]罪。 fall into error 误入歧途。 nature's error 天生畸形。 adj. -less 无错误的,正确的。
( 3 ) when locating continuously , speed location method in nlos environments ( 4 ) when locating continuously , single cell location method based on speed location in nlos environments . ( 5 ) when tracking , kalman tracking for mobile location in nlos situations based on displacement difference . each method was simulated , studied and compared in this dissertation . it was proved that these proposed arithmetic could mitigate nlos propagation errors effectively 这种算法具有对nlos误差不敏感的特性( 4 )连续定位条件下,基于速度法的抗nlos单小区定位算法( 5 )定位跟踪条件下,基于位移差的卡尔曼滤波跟踪算法本文对每种算法均进行了仿真研究和对比,验证了它们在减轻nlos误差上的可行性和有效性。